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Luna Valentin


Holder of a bachelor’s degree in both Physics and Musicology (double major bachelor’s degree Physics-Music, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France, 2020), Luna Valentin completed in 2022 a master's degree in the department of Musicology of Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France. Additionally, she is a spelunker advisor (Diplôme d’Initiateur en Spéléologie of the French Federation of Speleology, 2021), and she holds the final diploma of the Double Bass class of the Conservatory of Saint-Etienne (Diplôme d’Études Musicales en Contrebasse, 2022).

Her academic and extracurricular career took on a whole new meaning in the field of archaeoacoustics and speleoacoustics. Thereafter, the research she conducted since 2020 for her Master's Thesis “Archaeoacoustical clues to Paleolithic soundscapes” allowed her to initiate and participate in several research projects in the field of cave acoustics: Field survey on the acoustics of limestone caves in the Ardèche (with Philippe Monteil, CESAME), Acoustic modeling of caves trial (with Laurent Navarro, EMSE), Reflection on the methodology of acoustic measurements in caves (with Miriam Kolar, CCRMA).

Luna Valentin is currently a PhD student at Stanford University (California, USA), where she studies Computer Based Music Theory and Acoustics at the Centre for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). Navigating in this rich academical environment, her interests encompass acoustics, signal processing, 3D modeling of acoustics, and music experimentation.

In parallel, since 2021 she is part of the PaleoAcoustics research team. Within this team she participates in the acoustic measurements in Chauvet cave and is in charge of the localization system of the measurements, system allowing to connect the acoustic data to the Geographic Information System (GIS).


2022 - Present | PhD Student

CCRMA, Stanford University, California


2020 - 2022 | Master Degree of Musicology (MA) / Master

Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France

Thesis: 􏰒Archaeoacoustical clues to paleolithic soundscapes.􏰓

Obtained with Honors (Mention Très Bien)

2017 - 2020 | Three-year University Degree of Musicology (BA) / Licence

Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Obtained with Honors (Mention AssezBien)

2017 - 2020 | Three-year University Degree of Physics (BA) / Licence

Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Specialization in acoustics

Obtained with honors (Mention AssezBien)

2017 | High School diploma / Baccalauréat

Lycée Léonard de Vinci, Monistrol-sur-Loire, France

Specialization : Science, Engeenering, Music

A Levels, with honors (Mention TrèsBien + Félicitations).


Musical Training

2007 - Present | Double bass􏰑

Conservatoire Massenet Saint-Etienne : Mr Jérôme Bertrand, Stanford Music Department : Mr Bruce Moyer

DEM obtained in 2022 (Mention Bien)

2005 - 2017 | Piano

Mrs. Gonzalez


2011 - Present | Orchestra and Ensemble Music

Stanford Symphony Orchestra, Saint-Etienne's Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, Grenoble University Symphony Orchestra, Roche-La-Molière Philharmonic Orchestra, Summer and Winter String Orchestra Training Programs, Balkan Music Ensemble, Contemporary Music Group, Guitar Orchestra ...

2007-2021 | Solfeggio / Music Theory / Music Analysis

Conservatoire Massenet Saint-Etienne, Université Grenoble-Alpes


2016 - 2022 | History of music / Ethnomusicology / Harmony and Composition / Acoustics / Sound Recording

Université Grenoble-Alpes, Université Jean Monet Saint-Etienne, Conservatoire Massenet Saint-Etienne

2020 - Present | Computer Music / Music, Science and Technology 􏰑

Université Jean Monet Saint-Etienne, CCRMA Stanford

2007 - 2014 | Choir 

Conservatoire Massenet Saint-Etienne



2021 | Spelunker Advisor Certificate Level I / Diplôme d'Initiateur en Spéléologie 

Fédération Française de Spéléologie

Member of CESAME since 2011

(Centre Éclaireur de Spéléologie et d'Archéologie de Mezelet), Ardèche, France

Member of CESAME's board since 2017

2018 - 2019  | President

2019 - Present | Adjunct Secretary, Communication team, Technical Trainings Supervisor

© 2022 par Luna Valentin. Créé avec

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